Audio Excerpt
You can click the play button to hear this excerpt. Music Credit: “Hymn of the Rising” from the Audiomachine release “Chronicles” (2015). Composed by John A. Graves.
Text Excerpt
Enjoy the latest excerpt from “Cast Your Light,” coming soon from the Author KJ Carleo, Founder and CEO of Cast Your Light publishing.
Our title goes FAR BEYOND mere identification. It is our lifeblood. We become Marines, and Marines we remain – even unto our very last breath.
Our title is earned, never given. Along with our title, comes great responsibility. Our legacy is steeped in honor. Honor that requires tremendous courage. The type of courage you already possess. Respect for our customs and courtesies – you own it. Our legacy and all it represents – you own it. A lifetime of brother and sisterhood – you own it. I will emphasize that our title is desired by many, earned by few, and revered the world over. You do not merely claim our title, you own it – forever. It is not just a catch-phrase. You are the proprietor of more than 240 years of legacy that must be safeguarded, but more importantly – maintained.
The word “standard” is defined as “…a level of quality or attainment.” Notice the definition does not refer to an “end point” or “beginning”, merely a “level” of quality or attainment. For the great ones, it is seen as a starting point.
If you want to truly be successful in the Marine Corps – or any endeavor for that matter – you must acknowledge our standards as mere starting points. You must be willing (which we both know you are capable) to go “above and beyond” the call of duty; ALL duties. Your goal should be to EXCEED what is required of you, regardless of if you are a Private or a General; and all the ranks between them. There is room for improvement for a reason – so that the great ones can soar high above the standards.
Above all else, never regard yourself as simply “in” the Marine Corps, but rather a part of it. An IMPORTANT one. You are foolish and cheapen your value to our institution if you think otherwise.
~ An Excerpt from “Cast Your Light”

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