Audio Excerpt
You can click the play button to hear this excerpt. Music Credit: “A Life Well Lived“ from the “Audiomachine” release “Threads of Light” (2024). Composed by: Harry Lightfoot
Text Excerpt
“Beyond the Words” – Enjoy the latest excerpt from “It Is Up To You,” coming soon from KJ Carleo, author of “Cast Your Light”.
I’ve learned that even the harshest criticism can be valuable if I truly listen. Instead of getting defensive, I try to discern the nuggets of truth hidden within the negativity. Sometimes, those who “talk badly” are unintentionally revealing my blind spots, offering a chance for self-reflection and growth. By actively listening, I can extract valuable insights and use them to improve myself, even if they’re delivered with less-than-ideal tact. It’s amazing how a shift in perspective can transform an attack into an opportunity for self-improvement.
You too can benefit from those who seem to speak negatively. When confronted with criticism, try to resist the urge to immediately dismiss it. Take a breath, listen deeply, and try to understand the other person’s perspective. You might be surprised by the valuable feedback you uncover, allowing you to refine your skills, strengthen your weaknesses, and ultimately become a better version of yourself. Remember, those who criticize may inadvertently hold the key to unlocking your true potential.
Dear Universe, grant us the humility to listen openly to all feedback, even when it’s difficult to hear. Help us to discern the truth within criticism and to use it as fuel for growth. May we have the wisdom to recognize that even those who “talk badly” can offer valuable lessons, guiding us towards greater self-awareness and personal development. Open our hearts to the possibility that even the most unpleasant words can contain the seeds of positive transformation. Amen.
~ An excerpt from “It Is Up To YOU”
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