Fear as a Gateway

Fear as a Gateway

  • Audio Excerpt

    You can click the play button to hear this excerpt. Music Credit: “Those Without Fear” from the “Audiomachine” release “Exogenisis” (2010). Composed by: Paul Dinletir

  • Text Excerpt

    Fear as a Gateway” – Enjoy the latest excerpt from “It Is Up To You,” coming soon from KJ Carleo, author of “Cast Your Light”.

I’ve come to realize that everything I’ve ever truly desired – the dreams that make my heart race and my soul sing – lie just beyond the wall of my own fear. Whether it’s pursuing a passion project, speaking my truth, or taking a leap of faith into the unknown, fear often stands as the gatekeeper. But I’m learning to recognize fear for what it is: a temporary illusion, a challenge to overcome on the path to achieving my deepest desires. It’s when I dare to push through those feelings of fear that I truly begin to live.

You too possess the power to overcome your fears and claim the life you’ve always wanted. Don’t let fear dictate your choices or hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Recognize that fear is a natural part of the growth process, a signal that you’re stepping outside your comfort zone and venturing into new territory. Embrace the discomfort, challenge the limiting beliefs that hold you captive, and step boldly towards the life that awaits you.

Dear God, grant us the courage to confront our fears and the strength to move through them. Help us to recognize that fear is not an insurmountable obstacle, but a threshold to be crossed on our journey toward fulfillment. May we trust in our own abilities and embrace the unknown, knowing that on the other side of fear lies the realization of our deepest desires. Guide us with your loving hand as we navigate the uncertain terrain of our fears, and illuminate the path towards the extraordinary lives that await us. Amen.

~ An excerpt from “It Is Up To YOU”

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